
Match the words with their Indonesian equivalents. Compare your work to your classmates’.

pendekan link dan dapatkan uang dengan adfly link  di sini Match the words with their Indonesian equivalents. Compare your  work to your classmates’. PERTANYAAN & JAWABAN 1. Guerilla forces (noun) = Tentara perang gerilya 2. Aristocratic (adjective) = Bangsawan 3. Was renowned (verb) = diasingkan 4. Evacuate (verb) = Evakuasi 5. Reclaim (verb) = Merebut kembali 6. Declare (verb) = Mengumumkan 7. Holy war (noun) = Perang suci 8. Surrender (verb) = Menyerah 9. Betray (verb) = Mengkhianati/Melawan 10. Assault (verb) = Menyerang 11. Treason (noun) = Perlawanan/kudeta 12. Shed tears (verb) = Menumpahkan air mata 13. Martyred (verb) = Mati syahid 14. Resist (verb) = Melawan baca juga : Fill in the blanks with information about Cut Nyak Dhien mention in the reading text. Change the following adverbial clauses to adverbial phrases. Observe the following sentences. Compare the sentences in column A to column B. Complete the follow sentence using the words in t

Complete the sentences with be or have. Remember to use the correct forms.

pendekan link dan dapatkan uang dengan adfly link  di sini Complete the sentences with be or have. Remember to use the correct forms. PERTANYAAN & JAWABAN 1. The class _____ very boring because the students ______ no activities. Jawaban: is, have 2. Alia ________ a new pen pal from America, Alia ______ lucky because now she can practice writing in English. Jawaban: has, is 3. Maher Zain ________ Saidah’s favorite singer. He really ______ good voice. Jawaban: is, has 4. My hobby __________ reading novels. I ____________ a collection of good novels. Jawaban: is, have 5. Bali ________ magnificent scenery. In fact, it _______ 1 of the most wonderful islands in the world. Jawaban: has, is 6. My younger sister and I __________ three cats. They ______ cute. Jawaban: have, are 7. Our favorite subjects _______ Math and English. We _____ a great time when we do math & English exercises. Jawaban: are, have 8. Caroline and Hannah ________ similar interes

Match the words in the left kolom with the synonyms on the right column. Then, compare your work to your classmates.

pendekan link dan dapatkan uang dengan adfly link  di sini Match the words in the left kolom with the synonyms on the right column. Then, compare your work to your classmates. PERTANYAAN & JAWABAN 1. Hit by lightning (adjective) = (k) surprised 2. A meet and greet event = (e) fan meeting 3. Excited (adjective) = (m) very happy 4. Lobby (noun) = (a) waiting room 5. Memorabilia (noun) = (f) merchandise 6. showed up = (b) come or arrive 7. Waved (verb) = (h) move 8. Crowd (noun) = a lot of people (p) 9. Sang along (verb) = (c) sing together 10. Autograph (noun) = (i) signature 11. Speechless (adjective) = (o) can't say a word 12. Unreal (adjective) = (n) unbelievable 13. Cool/awesome (adjective) = (j) great 14. Friendly (adjective) = (d) get along 15. Nervous (adjective) = (l) anxious 16. Amazing (adjective) = (g) wonderful baca juga : Match the words in the left kolom with the synonyms on the right column. Then, compare your work to your classmates.

Read the follow text, and then answer the comprehension questions.

pendekan link dan dapatkan uang dengan adfly link  di sini Read the follow text, and then answer the comprehension questions. PERTANYAAN 1. How did the writer feel when she knew that Afgan was coming to town? Jawaban:  The writter felt so excited 2. Did the writer want to see the concert? Jawaban:  Yes, She did. She wanted to see Afgan's concert 3. When and where was the meet-and-greet event? Jawaban:  A day before the concert, there would be a meet - and - greet event at a local radio station. 4. What is Afganism? Jawaban:  Afghanism is the name of Afghan's fans club 5. How did the fans wait for Afgan? Jawaban:  They sat on the chairs prepared inside the radio station’s lobby. Some in rows in the front yard of the radio station. A spot inside a lobby was prepared with a mini stage for Afgan’s singing performance & a table for Afgan to sign Afganism’s memorabilia. 6. What did Afgan do when he showed up in the lobby? Jawaban:  Afgan showed u

Use the appropriate words in the boks to complete the dialog. first letters of words are provided to help you. Then, practice reading the dialog with a partner.

pendekan link dandapatkan uang dengan adfly link  di sini Use the appropriate words in the boks to complete the dialog. first letters of words are provided to help you. Then, practice reading the dialog with a partner. PERTANYAAN Dika : Hi, Mida, You look so happy. Mida : Hi, Dika. You’re right. I’m really happy. Dika : Really? Why? Mida : I met my favorite idol, Agnes Mo yesterday. Dika : Wow…, it sounds interesting. Mida : I was so e__________. She was really awesome and  f__________. Dika : Did you meet her in a concert? Mida : No, I didn’t. It’s a meet-and-greet event with Agnes Mo in Plaza Indonesia. Big c__________, hundreds of her fans! Dika : Did you meet her directly? Mida : Yes, I did. I took some pictures with her. I also got her a __________ her last CD Album. Dika : It’s a_________. How did you feel at that time? Mida : I felt n__________ and s__________. Dika : Anyway. how did you meet other fans? Mida : I met them in a fan meeting. Dika : It

Use the words in the boks again to complete the sentences reflecting other context.

pendekan link dandapatkan uang dengan adfly link  di sini Use the words in the boks again to complete the sentences reflecting other context. PERTANYAAN 1. one of the reason why I like to study in this class is because all classmates are ___________, They are always nice to me. 2. I was surprise when a big birthday cake suddenly__________ from under the table. It has been hidden for my surprise birthday party. 3. police formed a line in front of stage to avoid the ___________ from climbing up the stage. 4. Today, we have to present our paper in front of the class. I’m very___________. 5.0. On the week, my family & I like to spend our time doing karaoke home We__________ with the singer on D.V.D screen, It’s fun. 6.0. The students were very __________ when teacher announce they were going to have an excursion to local public library. 7. I really want to have an __________ of my favorite football player. Lionel Messi. on my jersey. 8. When we arrived at the top of

Answer the questions below about the teks on page 96.

pendekan link dandapatkan uang dengan adfly link  di sini Answer the questions below about the teks on page 96. PERTANYAAN 1. Who were involved in the event? 2. When and where did the event happen? 3. How were the events in the teks arranged? 4. Write the sequence of the events in the teks? 5. Was there any conclusion/evaluation of the story? JAWABAN 1. Mia (writer), Afgan, & Afgan's fans 2. Saturday morning at the radio station. 3. The events in the text is arrenged like this:  • Orientation  • Events  • Reorientation 5. No, there is no any conclusion. baca juga : Match the words in the left kolom with the synonyms on the right column. Then, compare your work to your classmates. Read the follow text, and then answer the  comprehension questions. Use the appropriate words in the boks to complete the dialog. first letters of words are provided to help you. Then, practice reading the dialog with a partner. Use the words in the boks again to complet

Observe the crossword puzzle below. In the puzzle, there are 10 regular and 10 irregular verbs in past tense.

pendekan link dandapatkan uang dengan adfly link  di sini Observe the crossword puzzle below. In the puzzle, there are 10 regular and 10 irregular verbs in past tense.   PERTANYAAN cari Regular Verb dan Irregular Verb JAWABAN Regular  1. started (baris ke-2 dari bawah)  2. betrayed (baris paling bawah)  3. refused (baris ke-3 dari bawah)  4. caused (baris ke-5 dari bawah)  5. died (baris ke-2 dari atas)  6. advanced (baris ke-3 dari atas)  7. used (baris ke-3 dari bawah)  8. hampered (baris ke-7 dari atas)  9. defended (kolom ke-2 dari kiri)  10. dropped (kolom paling kanan) Irregular  1. thought (baris ke-8 dari atas)  2. read (baris paling atas)  3. won (baris ke-4 dari atas)  4. lost (baris ke-6 dari atas)  5. took (kolom paling ke kiri)  6. sold (kolom ke-3 dari kiri)  7. told (kolom ke-5 dan ke-6 dari kiri)  8. began (kolom ke-4 dari kanan)  9. felt (kolom ke-3 dari kanan)  10. got (kolom paling kanan) baca juga : Observe the crossword puz